
The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 21 "The Anything Can Happen Recurrence"
Thursday 4/24/2014
Airs : 8:00 PM
Network : CBS
Hey met again with my friends still on this site, hopefully you all in a
state of fine and of course get to watch television series events are
crowded enjoy doing around the world, this time I will tell you the
movie The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 21 ", the television series certainly is not
foreign anymore, so do not miss the excitement in every episode every
as usual I am here to tell you the synopsis and summary in each episode, read on to find out the episode description :
Leonard and Sheldon are brilliant physicists, the kind of "beautiful minds" that understand how the universe works. But none of that genius helps them interact with people, especially women. All this begins to change when a free-spirited beauty named Penny moves in next door. Sheldon, Leonard's roommate, is quite content spending his nights playing Klingon Boggle with their socially dysfunctional friends, fellow CalTech scientists Wolowitz and Koothrappali. However, Leonard sees in Penny a whole new universe of possibilities... including love.
Season 7 Episode 20
Sheldon comes to the depressing realization that is life long research into string theory has been for naught. Howard and Bernadette join Raj and his new girlfriend Emily on a double date, which turns out to be a night Howard would just as soon forget.
Synopsis Season 7 Episode 21
To prepare for a date with Emily, Howard acclimates Raj to horror movies. Penny and Sheldon are upset when they discover Amy and Bernadette lied to avoid hanging out with them.